$500/month or more From Chitika

Chitika is a free service which displays revenue-earning ads to your website visitors featuring different types of ads for different types of traffic. It is very similar to Google AdSense but it's a bit different so the best news is that you can have both on the site at the same time. Google AdSense and Chitika can work friendly and don't violate Terms of Use of each service.

Chitika is the only ad-network which knows when not to show an ad, helping to preserve your user experience.

Chitika charges advertisers to be featured alongside your site's content. At the end of every month you are paid based on the previous month's earnings (Net 30). Payments are sent after your account earns at least $10.00 (USD) for PayPal payouts or $50.00 (USD) for checks.

I use Chitika on several blogs of mine and it's proven to be one of the best way to make money online along the Google AdSense. Chitika will show relevant ads at the right time. Many bloggers use Chitika to monetize their blogs and sites and Darren Rowse (from ProBlogger) really recommend this service to make money online.

You have nothing to lose with Chitika, you can only increase your earnings online. If you have your own blog or a website and you would like to increase your earnings on these sites than I really recommend you to try Chitika and you'll see that you can make more out of your online projects. And again, Chitika can be showing along with your AdSense ads so you don't need to bother about breaking any of AdSense rules.

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